― Dan Millman
We are here and our stories are being written now, so don’t be discouraged when things fall apart and don’t go your way, sometimes life just takes a little while to come together. So don’t end your story prematurely because happiness seems so far off, like a distant memory that feels more like an illusion that isn’t there, or as far out of reach as we are from touching the nearest star. Trust me; I know it’s hard; I’ve been single now for about a year, having a hell of a time to find that one for me. But I’m not letting my failures get me down, because it took a year of being on my own to decide and to finally realize what it is I want and need. I spent a lifetime chasing after love, romanticizing it, putting every girl I chased up on a pedestal, believing they could never do any wrong. I would rush every relationships as if it were a race and wanted nothing more than to be the first to cross that finishing line.Just to find out that the girl had only meant to be out on a stroll and I would find myself standing alone at what I perceived to be the finishing line.
I longed so desperately for love, I would fall quickly and easily, even when I barely knew the person I was falling for, or become so blinded by my infatuations I would always fail to see all the many reasons we were wrong for each other and I would never see it until it was too late, because one, or both of us would have already grown emotionally invested with the other, which would always made breaking up all that much harder, because I would still like them as a person, while she would be head over heals in love with me, or vice versa.
So what do I want? Well, the same thing I think we all essentially want. I want that best friend, who’s also my lover, someone who makes me feel alone even when we're together. To be perfectly content sitting in a room without talking, content with knowing that she is there. To be reading, while she's watching tv, drawing, or writing. Someone who I catch staring at me sometimes, and hear her say,
“God, I love you.”
If I’ve learned anything from my past relationships its this, you can’t rush love. You can’t make it happen just because you want it too. Much like a flower, it needs time to grow and it’ll never happen with you hovering and over watering it, trying to will it grow. Because love is something that you both choose and something that just happens and it happens in its own time. So I know what it’s like, to see the finish line and wanting to break into a dead sprint until you’ve reached your destination, but life is a stroll and this how God does things, to teach us and to give us time to grow as human beings, to discover ourselves and what it is we want, need.
Take my ex-girlfriend for example who since we had broken up, had become a good and trusted friend. But it took a while for us to realize we made better friends then we did lovers.
I first met Abby on face-book through a mutual friend and at the time she had no clear pictures of herself online, so I was already living dangerously in that regard. But we talked and stalked each other's facebook, for a long time before deciding that we should meet in person by going to a haunted house.
And I dug her; I dug her as soon as I laid eyes on her. To me she represented (at the time) my perfect woman, she was short, athletic, bold, feisty and a red haired goddess. (I always had a bit of an weakness when it comes to redheads and short girls, so she was two for two) Naturally I found her to be absolutely drop dead gorgeous and the fact she wasn't a man, didn't have a mustache, a beard, or weigh as much as my car, I was at the same time relieved. But the best thing about her was that she dug me too, in fact her first words to me were,
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Our first date, how you can you not fall for someone like her |
As the night progressed we found ourselves clicking and there were no awkward silences between us, with every lull in conversation leading to us simply enjoying the other’s company. She was fun, goofy, smart, coy, honest and flirtatious. (which only caused my heart to swell all the more with the feelings I already felt for her)
Some part of me could sensed that I was as different for her as she was to me. Because before then I never met anyone so bold, who said whatever she felt without holding anything back. But what I sensed about her is hard to explain, I don't know if it's just me being a writer, or me being intuitive, or something else entirely, but I sensed in her a kindred spirit, I knew she had been hurt numerous times before, used, lied too, objectified, betrayed and broken.
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Abby and me on rejoicing in our shared love affair with Halloween. |
Later I learn she had a bit of a sordid past. She had a long history of drug abuse and had been an adult film star. I know this, because she insisted on telling me everything before we started dating out of fear I would discover her past and would leave her, breaking her heart. But I come from a place where I believe the past is in the past, while the present is now. We all make mistakes, missteps and do or have done things we've later grown to regret, it's a part of life. No one really knows what dark corners, or avenues our lives may lead us, but what's important is we find our way out. Also, as a Christian, I believe it’s hypocritical to judge someone for their past, since after all, Jesus Christ had died for our sins and not one of us today can say we live without sin, which is why we pray and ask for forgiveness. (Besides, I don’t think couples should hold one’s past against them. There's nothing you or they can do about it. Besides if can’t get over a person’s past, I believe you really need to ask why it you’re involved with the person that are with.)
Regardless of her many attempts to test me and push away out of fear I would hurt inevitably hurt her, we eventually began dating “officially” And for a while our relationship was perfect, but every new relationship should be relatively smooth sailing for at least a month or two, as the two of you are still getting to know and impress each other by showing them only the best version of yourself. So if you're having problems at the beginning of a relationship, you should probably bail out while you can.
For me it took about four months for the cracks to begin to show. When we first met, she didn't like me spending money on her, but as time progressed, she began demanding I spend more and more of my money on her, eventually demanding I take her to a restaurant that was a hundred dollars a plate, which was the point where I had to finally put my foot down and tell her I couldn't afford that kind of lifestyle. Plus, the relationship became less about us and more about her, I was suddenly expected to take her out all the time, pay for all the dinners, entertainment, as well as buying her new clothes, movies, etc. Which again lead to more conflict as I began standing my ground and say no to all frivolous spending and explain that she was making me feel like I was her own personal piggy bank, and I was sinking more and more into debt. Which I was.
The longer I stayed in the relationship, the more I saw how different and our values were so vastly apart from each others. But still I clung to this image I had of her when we first met, this sweet, funny, clever and sexy girl, who had never been appreciated or treated like a person. I felt like I was fighting a losing battle to this other person who I never knew was there. Yet I had faith that there was this better person beneath it all. Nowadays I'm happy to report she had proved me right, but back then I had blinded myself to all the signs telling me she wasn't the for me, I was too busy putting her up on a pedestal, giving her excuses and overlooking everything I didn't like about her, giving myself excuses for her behavior. Even though being with her was making me more and more miserable.
One of our major issues was my faith, and she was somewhere in-between being spiritual/agnostic and atheism, she believed my faith was a joke, a crutch. And this was accompanied with her wanting us to be swingers,and to have threesomes, (Yes with another girl, her and me) But both issues were something I couldn’t get behind, which lead to more arguing, and her believing my faith had emotionally and sexually stunted me to the point where I couldn't see how meaningful the experience could be for the both of us. . (Call me a romantic….or an idiot if you want, but I've always been a one woman guy and I can’t share these intimacies with more than one person, despite knowing that most guys would kill to have the opportunity, but it’s just something I can't see myself going through with, my heart rally’s against the very thought, telling me it’s wrong.)
But this story isn’t all about me, or how bad she was back then, this is a story about how God works. So if that makes you upset, I apologize, it was never my intention to preach at anyone. But I wanted to take a moment to point out something. Despite how wrong we were for each-other, or how unhappy she was making me, I still clung to this relationship as though it was a life line, and letting go meant only certain death. I made myself think and believe I loved her, when in truth every day it felt like I was falling more out of love with her. But it wasn't all her fault, she had suffered from bi-polar disorder, as well as depression. And I should have stood my ground earlier and not let things get out of hand as they did. I should have sat her down and had a calm and rational conversation with her about our relationship and our needs and what we wanted. Maybe we would have worked things out, or maybe parted more amicably and wouldn't have exploded in as many shouting matches, and would have resulted in less hurt feelings.
You see, many people jump into relationships and like many of us do begin to run, and race to that ultimate goal of marriage before we even know if that person is right for us or not. Maybe, that person is just a stepping stone, a guiding light, taking you one step closer to the person you're suppose to be with. You see, this is what I believe, I believe it's all a journey and it teaches us and we carry something with us out of every failed relationship, which helps to shape and mold us into better people. Sometimes we need be schooled and hurt in love, so that when it really does come for real, we can appreciate it even more, because we've learned from past mistakes and grew as individuals. Which is probably why I remained good friends and have managed to maintain friendships with many of my Exes. Of course, don't try to savage a friendship right away, we all need time to heal and recover. For me this usually takes about six moths.
And if you can rekindle or even start a friendship it's amazing, I've witnessed this incredible change in Abby, who was once selfish, arrogant, greedy, a gold digger and incredibly vain, (to the extent whenever I was driving she had to keep my vanity mirror down so she could keep checking herself out) And had grown addicted to her computer, phone and facebook, to the extent she couldn't have a conversation with you without posting about it, or looking at her phone.
But now, this girl who I never expected to find meaning, or God, has found just that. She's been saved, and regularly attends church, she went from someone who only thought about herself, to this amazing girl who now goes out of her way to help someone in need. It's like this shadow has been lifted from her eyes and a weight from her shoulders and I can tell you, she's finally free, she's happy and a joy to be around. She's even met a good Christian Guy and now dreams and prays for the day where he proposes to her and they get married. (Back when I was with her, she was opposed to marriage with every fiber of her being)
And I'm extremely happy for her and proud, as well as blessed for having witness her incredible transformation, for being able to call her my friend. I never expecting to see God work in such a way. Which makes me sit back and with a smile as I think back on the day when we first met in what feels like so very long ago and having the honor of being the witness to it all.
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Abby and her boyfriend Evan, I haven't met him yet, but they look like an absolutely couple. I couldn't be happier for her. |
We never could get it to work her and I, and back then, it felt like I was walking through a life sucking mine field of psychological barbwire, day after day,until there was nothing left of me but a dried up human husk of the person I used to be.
But we've all done it, got involved with someone we shouldn't who was just all wrong for us and stayed too long. Even worse is when we stay in horrible, life draining, enjoyment killing relationships for the worse reasons, and even worse excuses.
being miserable in relationships we know are going nowhere. Some stay out of habit, or fear that they might have to go out of it alone for awhile. I've done it too, I've ignored, or excused all the red flags and signs telling me I should really reconsider the relationship I was in.
But either out of fear, or some perverse sense of loylaty we stay, and blindly trudge ever forward, no matter how bad or trying the relationship gets. It doesn't matter how many times that person drags you down, leaving you feeling frayed, as you cling ever tighter these bad relationships, that only drag us further down into this sea of regret, all the while believing this other person is our life preserver.
The worse part of it is this; it's us who cling and hold on so tightly. When all we have to do is let go. It took me awhile to let go of Abby, fighting the urge to call or text her just to see how she was doing, to hear her voice. But I knew we both needed time apart, time to grow and learn. So I know it's hard, but I think sometimes we all need to stop making excuses and just walk away. Maybe you're right for each other, but you're not right for each other right now, maybe you're just meant to be friends, or simply serve as a lesson in the school of life. I always tell my friends if they're unhappy in their relationship they should take a step back, take a break, or break up. Life is too short to waste time being unhappy with someone who's just wrong for you, or who just drags you down. Yeah it's going to be hard, yeah they'll be tears, begging for another chance and promises of change. But none of it will ever be enough unless the both of you take some time apart and grow.
I began writing this after a long conversation I had with a friend, whom I asked if she was really in love with this person, or if she was in love with the idea of them, the idea of love and the prospect of a wedding? these are questions we all have to ask ourselves at some point in our lives.
Look at Abby and myself, once upon a time we were head over heels in love, and we were that annoying lovey-dovey couple who could never take our lives off each other and couldn't stop flirting and touching, making everyone think we'd end up married. But we kinda fell apart, I couldn't be the guy she wanted, and she couldn't be the girl I wanted. Because we both wanted and needed something else, something more. If we would have stayed together, we probably would have ended up killing each-other, or just making each-other miserable for the rest of our lives.
But thankfully, we've both changed and because of that, she's became an awesome person, an amazing friend and I wouldn't trade the memories, good or bad for the world. Because she taught me a lot without ever realizing it. She taught me that I should really get to know someone before getting into a relationship with them and she taught me that I should and how to stand my ground, how to say no, as well as how to have confidence.
You see, they say people change, but they never say how much, how much have you changed during the course of your life?
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Sometimes we get lonely, and desperate for love, we look for it in all the wrong places. We make poor choices and relationship mistakes, because we’re trying to run, instead of taking the time to walk with that person and getting to know them, letting the love we feel flow through us naturally and grow on its own time. |