Chapter 12
-“You own everything that happened to you. Tell your
stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have
behaved better.” Anne Lamott
At eighteen I finally broke down and killed myself, for I had enough. I had just graduated High-school and felt like life had thrown everything including the kitchen sink at me. Even graduating high-school hadn't felt real to me, or like something I really deserved. I kept expecting word to come down that there had been a mistake and I wasn't meant or supposed to graduate along with my friends. It felt weird saying goodbye and walking away from all I had known, High-school was something I once hated and feared coming to every morning because of bullies, the pressures of just getting by and the unforgiving social hierarchy. But, it was also the place where I made some of the best friends anyone could possibly meet and it was the place where I had fallen in love for the very first time. Sherry Troy had been the sister of one of my good friends and falling for her was something I had never meant to do. For when we first met that day in the cafeteria I had already knew that her social circle would never approve of me. She was popular, gorgeous, funny and sincere; she was also dating one of my friends. But as life happens, things happen and life changes, because the of them ended up breaking up and her I grew closer, exchanged numbers and started talking on the phone almost every day.
About around that time my mother gave me some real motherly advice, which was,
“Listen, when any girl talks to you
as much as this one does, calling you almost every day, it means she really
likes you.”
But I
couldn't accept that, she didn't know Sherry, she didn't me and good things
didn't usually happen to me. But I was young and just beginning to get schooled
in love. Sherry gave me a reason to get up every day, seeing her was like
Christmas morning and it gave me strength to face each day. For once I had
something to look forward to other than the weekends I got to spend with my
Of course I still remember the day
when her sister Jane had approached me in class and told me how her sister was
falling hard for me. It had been the happiest day of my life and felt like I
had finally been thrown a life preserver and according to Jane my eyes lit up
and sparked like the fourth of July, robbing her of her breath as she was taken
aback by the purity of my reaction of hearing her news. I couldn't believe it,
I was inspired.
I went
home that night and wrote Sherry a poem proclaiming my love for her, playing
coy all throughout the day, until we were walking to our busses when I slipped
my poem into her hand and walked away smiling like an idiot on parade, felt
like I could do anything, the world was mine.
The next morning her other sister Terry
approached me that morning, excitedly telling me how much her sister had loved
my poem and how no one had ever wrote her a poem before, that she was so happy
and excited that she was actually and completely overjoyed. So now I couldn't
wait to see her, I couldn't wait to tell her how much I loved her, I couldn't
wait to feel her arms wrap around me, to hold her tight, imagining what our
lives would be like together, picturing what it would be like to one day proposing
to her, getting married and growing old together. (What they don’t tell you
about being a hopeless romantic)
It wasn't
until lunchtime rolled
around that I finally had the time to approach and ask her out, surrounded by
her sisters and all of our mutual friends. She answered with a disgusted no,
and after hearing all day how much she liked me by all of our friends, so I was
dumbstruck, managing a feeble, “What?” And when she repeated her answer I could
feel my dreams shattering and falling like rain all around me, my heart felt
like it was breaking in two.
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Sherry Troy, who's smile was and is still like the sunrise. |
“But…my poem…” I mumbled numbly, “Was garbage, so I threw
it away,” She replied, making me want to just crawl into a hole somewhere and
die. But then came Terry and my friends trying to supportive and reminding her
how crazy she was for me. She denied them over a dozen times, each one a blow
to my heart, hearing her telling not just me, but everyone how she never liked
me and never will. I wanted to beg them to stop, to ask them to stop trying to
help me because it had hurt too much.
I ended
up spending the rest of my high school career in this on again, off again dance
with her, trying to win her heart with every song and there were times where I
could have sworn she had the same feelings for me, but whenever we would get
close, it was like someone or something would always drive us further apart. It
drove me crazy and eventually I gave up on chasing her, I walked away from
But on graduation day, her sister Jane sees me and pulls me aside and asked me if I still had feelings for her sister.
But on graduation day, her sister Jane sees me and pulls me aside and asked me if I still had feelings for her sister.
I couldn’t
bear to speak the truth, I was too afraid to so much as think about her out of
fear it’d spark that torch I carried for her and be left feeling like a love
struck fool all over again, so I shrugged and said, “I don’t know….”
my hand, she pulled me close then and I could feel her eyes exploring the
depths of my own and before I could ask what this was all about she says,
“I have to tell you something, my sister did like you and probably still does, the reason she never said yes, was because of me.”
“I have to tell you something, my sister did like you and probably still does, the reason she never said yes, was because of me.”
I could
feel my brow furrow, because I didn't understand, it didn't make sense to me….she
had been one of my closest friends and I couldn't fathom why she would be
sorry, or what she could have done to keep Sherry and me apart, then she said
something I never expected to hear, because I had known her for years, she was
my friend and confidant.
“I've been in love with you for a long time and when I saw that look on your face when I told you how Sherry felt about you, I was jealous and I told her nothing but lie about you. I told her this had all been a game to you, because you only wanted her to make some other girl jealous. I told her you only seemed nice but in reality you were really just a player…And I’m sorry, I shouldn't have gotten in the way.”
I could feel the earth giving away beneath my feat, I never felt or knew such an act of betrayal even existed in this world. I had no words, I couldn't speak, and all I could do was turn and walked away. It’s wasn’t until writing this that I realized that I still haven’t spoken to Jane since that day. But still every now and then I can’t help but wonder what my life would have been like if she never intervened.
“I've been in love with you for a long time and when I saw that look on your face when I told you how Sherry felt about you, I was jealous and I told her nothing but lie about you. I told her this had all been a game to you, because you only wanted her to make some other girl jealous. I told her you only seemed nice but in reality you were really just a player…And I’m sorry, I shouldn't have gotten in the way.”
I could feel the earth giving away beneath my feat, I never felt or knew such an act of betrayal even existed in this world. I had no words, I couldn't speak, and all I could do was turn and walked away. It’s wasn’t until writing this that I realized that I still haven’t spoken to Jane since that day. But still every now and then I can’t help but wonder what my life would have been like if she never intervened.
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Sherry and her sister Terry |
turned away from my friend and walked away from her that day without ever
looking, feeling a small twinkling of hope that it wasn't too late, believing I
still had a chance to fix things and maybe, just maybe pick up from where we
started. That day I couldn't stop scanning every face in the hall and the crowd
of my graduation ceremony, hoping to find her face someone among the countless
faces, to see her staring back at me. Imagining what I would do when I saw her
and having this little fantasy that I would see her, walk up to her and pull
her away from whoever she may have been talking to, pulling her against me as I
leaned down to kiss her lips of soft velvet.
I never
did find her and I was too distracted to join in the excitement of celebrating
of finally graduating from High-school, I was somewhere else while my friends
were busy living in the moment. But I was too busy thinking about her, anxious
to get home to call her and to just hear the sound of her voice. But when I
finally got around to calling her no one was home and so I took off and went to
my best friend’s graduation party hoping she’ll be there, but she wasn't.
Days go by and I can’t seem to
ever seem to get a hold of her, or catch anyone to just tell her that I
called. Eventually, one day her mom
answers and she tells me that Sherry had moved out a few days ago and was now
living with some boy she had just met. I don’t remember hanging up the phone,
just the feeling of my heart breaking and the pieces falling down all around my
feet. I feel defeated and numb, I was
given hope and it was in was torn away from me in one fell swoop. Shell shocked I wondered out of my room, hoping to find some reason to keep believing….to
believe in something, anything, wanting to find some purpose and maybe a little
hope. But my mother found me instead and asked why I was moping around. For
once, I decided to just talk to her and tell her everything, hoping that I’d
receive some of that age old motherly advice, or receive a little of that love
that always seemed so out of reach. Instead she interrupted me before I could
say but two words and said,
“I don’t care, you’re just stupid, pathetic loser and I can’t stand you, I never could and the worse thing is that I never wanted you. You’re nothing but a stupid mistake and if it wasn't for your father I would have never birthed you, I wanted an abortion and he’s the only reason you’re still here because he wanted you. You were the accident that was never supposed to be and I think you would have been better off dead, because no one will ever love or want a pathetic, weak loser like yourself. “
“I don’t care, you’re just stupid, pathetic loser and I can’t stand you, I never could and the worse thing is that I never wanted you. You’re nothing but a stupid mistake and if it wasn't for your father I would have never birthed you, I wanted an abortion and he’s the only reason you’re still here because he wanted you. You were the accident that was never supposed to be and I think you would have been better off dead, because no one will ever love or want a pathetic, weak loser like yourself. “
She turned and walked away from
me then, striding toward her craft room, mumbling about how much she resented
me and I hear her tell say with my own ears that the only reason she put up
with me for so long was for the child support and the money. I couldn't believe
it, I didn't want to. My father had been right all along, it’s exactly what
he’d been trying to warn me about for years, but I never listened and now I
could feel what remained of my already broken heart shatter into a million
little pieces. Leaving it so broken that
they could now pass seamlessly through the eye of a needle, I was broken, in
every sense of the word and I couldn't move. Not at first anyway. All I could
do was watch disappear into her little craft room, expecting at any moment for
her to pop back out and tell me this was all some sort of twisted and cruel
joke, I didn’t want to think she was serious. But after several minutes of just
standing there speechless with my mind reeling. I hear every 18 minutes someone
commits suicide and ever forty seconds, someone attempts one. And I was about
to become another statistic.
In that moment I lost my faith, I
hated God. I couldn't fathom why he would make this woman my mother and never
allow me any real happiness. I had been hopeful my entire life, wanting and
trying to believe that things would get better, believing that they had to. But
my battles were too numerous, too long and hard and I was tired. Immediately I turned
and headed upstairs, grabbing a few prescription pill bottles my mother had
kept in our medicine cabinet. I’m not sure what all I took, but I took seven or
eight pills from every bottle that read “Only take 1 every 12 hours,” And “Do
not mix with other medication” Then not wanting to risk anyone seeing what I
was up to, or trying to stop me, I shoved the pills down into my pocket. This
was my decision and my choice and I wasn’t going to give anyone a chance to stop or delay me.
With a bottle of Vicodin that I had left over from my wisdom teeth surgery, along with the various other pills that I had
stuffed down into my pockets. Then I took one final look at my reflection in
the mirror and waved goodbye to the person I used to be, the person I used to
Returning to my room, I closed and locked my door, filled my cd player with my favorite cds and took a bottle of prescription sleeping pills, along with about 3/4
Returning to my room, I closed and locked my door, filled my cd player with my favorite cds and took a bottle of prescription sleeping pills, along with about 3/4
I wrote a single sentence on my
desk’s notepad, “This is my goodbye, I’ve waited too long, I’m not worth
anything, and tell dad I’m sorry.”
It didn't take long for the room
to start to spin and for the shortness of breath to begin and I fell onto my
bed, crawling up onto the sheets feeling so cold as my body went numb, feeling
pins and needles all over body, I felt like I was suffocating, struggling to
breathe and it was then my world went black.
At first darkness was all I could see and feel. I was relieved, because I was finally free from all the pain and loneliness that plagued me for long. No longer did I feel all the pain that was tearing my heart apart, It was over and death wasn't so bad I thought, I felt a strange sense of comfort in darkness that coiled and wrapped around me. I was a little disappointed though, I was hoping to find myself before God and demand an explanation, an apology for all that been wrong. But I didn't and I didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel, or loved ones who had already passed over. Instead I found myself in a world surrounded by darkness and for a moment it was soothing and a little peaceful. But then I felt this jerk and then I had this sense like I was falling. I was falling faster and faster, feeling what felt like cool air rushing up to greet me as I plummeted downward, feeling the air grow and become warm, then hot as it rushed over me. The realization of what I have done hit me then. I had committed a cardinal sin, I had committed suicide, I wasn’t going to get my trial, I wasn’t going to able to curse at the God who made me and let me cry so many tears. I wasn’t going to get answers and I would never learn why or the reasons for any of it, I was going straight to hell.
At first darkness was all I could see and feel. I was relieved, because I was finally free from all the pain and loneliness that plagued me for long. No longer did I feel all the pain that was tearing my heart apart, It was over and death wasn't so bad I thought, I felt a strange sense of comfort in darkness that coiled and wrapped around me. I was a little disappointed though, I was hoping to find myself before God and demand an explanation, an apology for all that been wrong. But I didn't and I didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel, or loved ones who had already passed over. Instead I found myself in a world surrounded by darkness and for a moment it was soothing and a little peaceful. But then I felt this jerk and then I had this sense like I was falling. I was falling faster and faster, feeling what felt like cool air rushing up to greet me as I plummeted downward, feeling the air grow and become warm, then hot as it rushed over me. The realization of what I have done hit me then. I had committed a cardinal sin, I had committed suicide, I wasn’t going to get my trial, I wasn’t going to able to curse at the God who made me and let me cry so many tears. I wasn’t going to get answers and I would never learn why or the reasons for any of it, I was going straight to hell.
In my
fear I cried out to God and it was then I felt descent slow and the heat dispel,
until when I was once again just floating there in the inky blackness and I
felt like was being watched and I sensed this profound sadness in the air
around me, before I felt what I can only describe was warm comforting arms
wrapping around me, pulling me close and lifting me up. I have no words for the
feelings that washed over me. The love I felt was overpowering and I felt like
a child in the warm, loving arms a loved one, of a father who was holding me
close. I began to cry as I heard the voice apologizing for the struggles I’ve
had, that despite what I had done, he was still proud of me, but telling me not
to lose hope and that I had to stay, I had to go back, asking me to stay strong,
to have faith and to live, to really live, that I’d go on to do great things in
But I
didn't want to, I wanted to stay in this place that I was, I clung to the
father, pleading to stay and I saw the faces of my father, my grandmother, my
friends and all of those who would miss me. It made me sad, but still I didn't
want to go, I was happy here and now, in this warmth.
So he showed me something else instead, he showed me myself, decades later, living a life where I’m happy, with my dreams finally coming true and I see the world waking up and finally beginning to read again, I see a family, a loving wife.
So he showed me something else instead, he showed me myself, decades later, living a life where I’m happy, with my dreams finally coming true and I see the world waking up and finally beginning to read again, I see a family, a loving wife.
really thinking I feel myself letting go and I’m blinded by this sudden light
that seemed to appear out of nowhere and when I look around, I discover I’m
outside and I’m flying, miles above the earth, the view is breathtaking. But
I’m actually was falling, down through sky, past the clouds, with the world
rushing up to greet me, the air is cool against my skin and comforting as it
rushes through my hair. I see my house, coming into view and I’m falling
faster. I’m not afraid, but I bring my arms up protectively around me as I fall
into the roof, passing insubstantiality through the shingles and support beams
of my house. I Falling through the
kitchen where my mother had started making dinner and I can smell macaroni and
cheese from the pot on the stove, before I pass through the floor to where I
saw myself, laying so still and alone on my bed, where I crash with a jolt into
my body.
I sat
up just as I reunited with my body, taking a sharp intake of breath as I rose
up off the bed, it hurts to breathe, yet I’m gasping for breath. I’m cold and
my body burns as blood rushes back through my limbs, giving me a feeling pin
and needles, that you often get when a part of your body falls asleep. But mine
was all over and then I crawled out of bed, where I collapsed on the floor and
passed out once more.
I firmly believe that I died this
day; but you may have come to your own conclusion. But this is what happened to
me and when I woke up, I felt okay, even though I knew my the worse was far
from over, instinctively I knew would be leaving Grant County and saying
goodbye to all my friends until the day came when we would meet again. But I
knew whatever came and no matter how things would turn out, I would survive it.
I may have died a coward, a scared and frightened little boy, but I was born
again and in so doing became a man.
Closing note: a few years ago thanks to the advent of Facebook, Sherry managed to look
me up and send me a friend request. We still talk and she tells me she’s always
had strong feelings for me. But she’s currently in a relationship and has a few
kids and to me she’s just as beautiful as she was the day I first met her in
the High-School cafeteria.
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Halloween 2008 I'm the Crow and these are my cousins. |